Sunday, January 5, 2020

Lesson 5b: A New Me

Lesson Five:  A new me...

I have been on vacation for the past three weeks in Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii with my partner. Although we are together most of the time, the feeling of "being invisible" is quite present. We have been enjoying our time together exploring and just being ourselves.

What do I mean by being invisible? The feeling of not have to "put on a show". I am presenting myself and lost deep in my thoughts. I feel an inner peace of just being me and just showing up as me. My interactions with others are simple and only as necessary. I am polite, curt, and basically finding those spaces for my own aloneness.  

Yesterday and today, I am attending a conference and my partner is off exploring on his own. I have chosen to be invisible at this conference. I have purposely selected tables where no one is sitting or where there is space. I wear my thick glasses hiding behind the frames and distracting myself in my notes or my phone. I actually don't have any desire to talk to people or make small talk. 

In my professional life, I am a lecturer - teaching approximately six (or more) classes a semester with about 40 students in each. I have been doing this well over 10 years. I have been putting on a show for a very long time, I now feel the desire to lay low. I am not sure if I am experiencing burn out, but I definitely know, I am ready to "slow down" or seek changes in my life.

What does the new me look like? I am really loving this feeling of "aloneness", reflection, and peace. I love going to a coffee shop, listening to my music, and writing in my blog. I am finding each day, I am going deeper and deeper into this space. The past three weeks have been wonderful to find my space and rest that I needed.

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Was this enough time to develop some new patterns?

What will the new me look like? 

I return to my regular life on Monday, January 13. I fly home Thursday, this will give me a few days to figure things out. What will be really important for me is to make space for my alone time, structure my time so I can get those solo breaks/walks, and be sure to find time to write. 

Just the thought of returning to my "old" life makes me shudder. The introvert in me craves the silence.

Lesson Five A: A Physical New Me

Lesson 5:
Physical Make Over
Touch Ups:
1. Colour roots, hair trim, along with a deep conditioning
2. Teeth clean and whitening
3. Eyebrow threading and shaping / as well face waxing
4. Fraxel skin treatment to reduce sun damage.
5. Buy new make up (toss out the old - been a few years).
*All could be accomplished by January 30
Come January:
Medical/Dental Appointments:
1. Dental cleaning and check-up
2. Full medical / physical and blood work
3. Eye check-up (need reading glasses)
4. Visit natural path for a hormone check.
*I will book the appointments on Monday
Weight loss/Fitness:
Aim to lose 50 pounds by December 31, 2020.
1. Eat a whole 30-eating plan - work with Naturalpath.
2. Follow my training schedule
3. Aim to do six days of cardio training
4. Aim for 10,000 plus steps a day
5. Drink 2 plus liters of water per day
6. Take vitamins daily (multi, b100, iron, and thyroid)
*the above is realistic as I am a triathlete and am training for the spring season
*need to print the list of foods and start to work towards this goal

The goal is to feel good, healthy, fit and lean.

Lesson Four: Being Present

Lesson Four:
Two questions:
  • After doing the closed-eye exercise I noticed my breath, thoughts, and presence.

  • Surprising ways that clutter shows up in my life tangible and intangible - usually the result of my own procrastination. When I put things off, I wait until the last minute to get things done. My body manifests stress, I react by overeating, sleeping, or being grumpy.
  • Sure enough, today, I was feeling quite sick (flu). I decided to take the day off, despite knowing, that I have a huge deadline on Monday. I know tomorrow, I will need to focus on meeting my deadlines.
  • Tonight, I am going to make a list of what needs to get done and prioritize this list. Take a walk and try to get some air.
  • Sleep will bring a clearer head - just for the record, I am quite sick and am working at home (on my own).

Friday, January 3, 2020

"As I started to love myself" by Charlie Chaplin

“As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.

As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.

As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.

As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.

As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.

As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!”

― Charlie Chaplin

Shedding Layers

"The purpose of life is to unlearn what has been learned, and to remember what has been forgotten."--Sufi Saying

Looking in the mirror, I see an older woman looking back that is considered obese. She has medium length blonde hair, green eyes, with great skin. Her body is fit, but she is definitely what I would call overweight. Not quite menopausal but close, she appears to be absent in thought.

This person is me.

It scares me to look in the mirror. I know I am about size 14 - 16 or xl in clothing size. I don't dare weigh myself because I know my weight is about 220 pounds - if I was being honest with myself. I know I have gained weight based on the reflection of the mirror, how tight my pants feel, how my breasts sneak outside of my bra, and how puffy my face is. Shopping tonight, I picked up a couple of xl tops and a pair of size 14 pants. All too tight. It is no wonder, I am frustrated and feel like I am dowdy. I only like wearing track pants and loose tops. I hide behind my clothes.

"True beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which means that how beautiful you are to other people is always going to be subjective to who is looking at you at that time, and since you will always be looking at yourself first, you should find your own beauty and feel good about who you are." - BeNeca Ward
There was a time my weight crept up to 250 pounds. If you think about it another 30 pounds and I will soon be there. Or a reframe is if you lose thirty pounds, then at least I would be a healthier weight. This did not happen overnight. I have lost and gained the same weight over and over again. Most recently, I was 170 pounds and I felt great. What is different I ask?

I think I am fat because I like to eat and am too lazy to monitor what I eat. I exercise, I exercise a lot. I am a solid swimmer, cyclist, hiker, and can run too. I know that if i am lighter, I can go faster. I know to eat healthier foods and less crap. So here I am reflecting on why I keep hiding behind my weight. In my previous posts, I talked about my childhood trauma and the reasons why I eat (food addiction) and to hide.


Lesson Three is about shedding layers (how fitting).

  • How I hope to feel as a result of clearing what no longer serves and supports me is "healthy, lean, strong, and fit."
  • What I hope to let go of is "the stories that I tell currently myself". I want to rewrite this script into positive words of affirmations and love myself for me.
  • What I hope to attract is "healthy behaviors, that lead to a healthy lifestyle, relationships, and experiences.

What winds me up?

Lesson three

"The starting point is realizing that letting go is not a dramatic moment we build to some time in the future. It is happening now in the present moment -- it is not singular but ongoing."-Judy Lief

Today, I am asked to reflect on what "winds me up". I have to think about that for a moment. I can think of three things: people, being truly honest with myself, and asking myself is this really what I want or am I trying to impress?

For the past two weeks, I have been on vacation in Waikiki with my partner. What I have learned from this experience is how easy it is to be invisible. I seriously love that no cares that I exist in this world, except maybe the cleaning person, the person who serves my coffee or the cashier - even then it will only be a short impression. This notion of being invisible gave me so much freedom.  I randomly started doing things like this because I know, no one cares. He says your not invisible. I secretly think I am invisible because I choose to be. I am an introverted personality and my job is a lecturer to many students each term - I feel like I am always performing. I crave to be invisible, what does that say about me?

My real triggers are humans, a certain type of personality. In the past couple of years, I have noticed that when I am around certain personalities or people, with strong controlling behaviors, it triggers something in me. This coercive behavior makes me want to avoid this person, such as walk away or hide. I think this comes from having a coercive drill Sargent parent who used rewards and punishment style of parenting. Ugh, in the past year, I kept asking myself about why I avoid these people and the universe keeps presenting them to me. In my head, these people create the most stress for me. Does avoiding help? In the short term, until they reappear and make demands. I usually just ask straight up, what can I do to help you or what do you need and keep it simple. I like to respond with really short responses if it is an email or text. I always hope they don't come to see me and if they do, I try to be pleasant. I am sure the universe will give me more opportunities to work on this. Ugh...

Point two, am I really being honest with myself? I bring this up because I tend to be a people pleaser and try to keep the peace. I avoid conflict and try to smooth over any discomfort. Although my (current) attitude is not to give a "f@ck", I know it usually catches up to me. There other things that I want to say or do, but don't want to rock the boat, so not worth it. Reading the book, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" by Mark Manson really opened me to this idea, see:

Point three, am I trying to impress or am I really doing this for me? I keep asking myself that? It is really difficult for me to answer this one, but I bring it up because I also made the note, I like to be invisible. More reflection needed here.

I am sure there are a lot of other triggers in my life. I will try to pay attention today to see what they are - going to guess humans! 

Reflections on what winds me up

Reflections from "what winds me up"
[A few people asked why am I publicly posting and what am I am seeking, for me, it is about public accountability, an abundance of knowledge in the room (resources for healing and advising) if I can reach someone so be it, and most of all it really helps me.
But first reflections of yesterday...(Lesson two: winding up)
Yesterday, my reflections on what "winds me up" really made me think all day long. I became quite aware of things that nerve me and usually, I ignore these instances, but I will share them here. These are some highlights:
-people who don't follow rules and order (from signals on their car, tossing trash on the road, smoking in public space where it is not allowed, etc)
-people who try to jump the line (at an opening of a restaurant)
-people who have a coercive personality or aggressive bully types
[My reflection, I just want to be a good little girl and follow the rules so I won't make the people in charge angry at me. I don't want to be noticed or stand out because it brings attention to me. I just want to blend in and be compliant. I know as a child, if I did not follow the rules, I was beaten or yelled].
For me, this was a huge realization. I have an internal conflict. I want to comply but at the same time, I want to prove my worth. Ghostly voices from my past haunt me, hearing words like "you are not good enough" or "you will never amount to anything" or "you are useless" and so on. I hear these voices daily, I have tried rewriting the scripts and pushing them away. So today, when I hear them I am going to write a new thought. I will really try to rewrite this script. (I need ideas here people...)

Yesterday, someone posted this in my comments, a link on very useful information on common childhood trauma types. I read through it and it really quite insightful. A short easy read.
It was an "ah, ha" moment and it made me realize I am still dealing with my childhood drama and found a way of coping. I find myself trying to blend in and hide all the time. I honestly believe my eating (or over snacking) is a self-soothing way of healing myself or hiding. Hiding in the sense, no one will look at me if I am larger and unattractive while at the same time I like how food tastes and it makes me feel good at the moment (hard to explain), but usually after it makes me feel guilty and feel like shit.
Anyways, coming back to the Pete Walker post, I realized I am self-soothing and I have found a way that has allowed me to protect myself. However, I also feel I want to feel good and live a long healthy life. This I feel will be my main focus for 2020 - healing childhood drama.
I have protected myself by being about 40 pounds overweight. I know my biggest struggle is that I want to be thin, healthy and fit (cliche but true), I have been gifted with an abundant, curvy, and strong body. Although I exercise daily, the truth of the matter, what I put in my mouth is really what matters. So all day, I was paying attention to what I was eating and the triggers that set me off. Was I eating because I was hungry or did something (or someone) agitate me?
Currently, I am on vacation and I think I am eating because hmm, good food available such as Pina Coladas and yummy food everywhere. I know I make an effort to eat more fruit, veggies, lean meat and avoid the snacks - which you cannot do forever, but at least do your best to try and eat healthily. What I am getting at, during my vacation I have been fairly relaxed trying to choose healthily and not eating because of agitation or stress.
Now I am starting to make connections of "what triggers me and my own voices triggering me.

Lesson Three is about shedding layers (how fitting). I will highlight my three questions for the day and come back to them later.

  • How I hope to feel as a result of clearing what no longer serves and supports me is______
  • What I hope to let go of is______
  • What I hope to attract is______

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My three goals for 2020

January 1, 2020, a new start to the year and decade. This is the second round for me, I am trying to be as open as I was a year ago as well as proactive. I am open to the possibilities of what might be. 
Buddha says "What you are is what you have been; what you will be is what you do now."
Yesterday, I was walking through Chinatown yesterday. Someone was selling amulets. I thought if I had to pick three, I would pick: long life, good relationships, and sports. I chose sports because when I was young, I always wanted to be an athlete (Olympic, Ironman, competitor, etc).
Not long ago, I watched this Ted Talk, "how to really achieve your childhood dreams" by Randy Pausch. See:…/randy_pausch_really_achieving_your_ch… . It made me rethink all the things that I loved as a child.
I have always had a love for sports. I remember in grade 7, I came second in track and field running. I watched As a woman in my mid-fifties, I got back into fitness about 8 years ago. For the past eight years, I have been focusing on getting fit again in areas of swimming, biking, running, rowing, weight training, and hiking. I am definitely fitter, but not faster. Last year, I competed in my first half-ironman and finished before the cut off time. This year, I signed up for a full ironman on August 30, 2020. It scares the shit out of me. I also joined the senior's dragon boating team (I turn 55 this year). I am quite strong and built like an ox (strong shoulders and stocky build). Made for the fields my grandpa always says. I also thought sport represented good health, fitness, and mobility. Adding to this, I keep thinking I will add more yoga and stretching.
I picked a long life, I suppose if you are doing it right, you will be happy. I want to be healthy, feel amazing every morning when I wake up and feel energized. In all my experiences, what you put in your body is what you get out. Meaning, you put in shit, you are going to eat shit. For example, last night, two of us ate a bag of kettle chips last night and drank a couple glasses of wine (filled with fruit). The chips were what we called a treat, but it made my throat feel like raw sawdust, but the fruit tasted yummy.
I tried to think of the ailments of all my ancestors. Most of them died because of cancer (from smoking and environmental) or heart failure. Although I don't smoke, I am slightly overweight. Anyways, I wanted to add my grandpa and my grandmother both had diabetes type 2 and my young adult son has type 1. Looking at old photos of my grandma and her aunties, they were always obese. My mom and her sisters are all big girls (ie, 200 pounds plus). Looking at my sisters, we are larger in size as well, and well I think it, I am definitely gaining each year. Not to sound cliche, but this year the focus will be eating whole foods, clean eating, and eliminating those toxins that make us sick, fat, and ill. Not looking to do any fad diets - ugh that is what made me this way, to begin with. Well here is to a new beginning of eating more fruit, veggies, clean meat, and less crap.
The last goal, good relationships. This is really important for me. I am not talking about the current relationship I am in now, but also work relationships and friendships. Last year, I ended a dead-end relationship; ended friendships that were no longer working (I did all the inviting and work); and at work got caught up in the drama that was not really my business. So what does that mean, paying attention to my own relationships and keeping those connections of those that really matter? The hardest thing is letting go of people who you thought were your friends, but then you realize they just used you or talked about you behind your back. Doing so let go of feelings, of not feeling good enough.
I had a shitty childhood, but this is not the point I am trying to make, but rather, I always have this feeling I am not good enough and I have to prove my worth, that I am better. It has made me hyper-focused, competitive, and putting myself down a lot. This negative self-talk is so unhealthy and made me feel like I am not good enough for whatever it is I am attempting. How does this all connect? Well, if you surround yourself with the right people, everything else will fall naturally into place.
This summer, I joined a mountain biking group for ladies and also a mixed group. I made some amazing friendships, just by being "me". They did not know any of my backstories, nor did they need too. Funny, how our backstories, shape how the world sees us. I realize these are probably acquaintances more than anything, but that is ok, my partner knows my story and that validates and gives me support when I need it. I also had years of counselling to try and get over my childhood issues and dramas.
So here I am doing the course again, one year later. The only major difference is that I am going to journal my journey because thinking about my past year has really inspired me and I really think I should be writing a book or at least a blog. There is something going in me, whether it is just an outlet or creativity, it is inspiring me to be more and be accountable to a group of strangers.
In summary, my goals for 2020, focus on healthy living and fitness; reflect and relieve my childhood dreams; and build healthy solid relationships with people that matter. Finally, I will journal and use this group as a support network and for accountability.
Thank you for reading.
"The call to adventure is the point in a person's life when they are first given notice that everything is going to change, whether they know it or not."--Joseph Campbell, The Hero's Journey

Ten things about 2019 - Lessons Learned

Ten things about 2019:
I ended a dead-end relationship that was not going anywhere and made me feel sad. I knew in January of 2018, this would be my number one goal. In return, (about four months later) I met an amazing human being that is everything I wanted in a life partner. Meaning: if you are not happy, change it.
In 2018, I reflected on all my friends and realized most of them were stagnant and complaining about the same old things. I also felt that I was the initiator with my invitations and constantly doing all the work in the relationship. It took a lot of energy to be friends with people, but it felt like I was always giving. When I stopped inviting them out, they did not call me to invite me out (so maybe it was their wish to end the friendship too). Meaning: this made room for meeting new friends and making new friendships. It also made room for me to meet the man in point. Making space for more - funny never did hear back from one of the friends and two have unfriended me since on FB. At first, it hurt, but now I feel proud of my choice.
I knew in my heart, I would never get tenure track at my university - where I have been employed for nearly 20 years. I had applied six times and kept getting rejected. So when I made the decision, I would work because I loved my job and that I only had six more years to retirement, my attitude changed and so did my relationship with my work. I actively decided I would take advantage of all the work being presented to me: save money, put money towards my retirement, and pension. Meaning: 6 years until retirement.
Financially, I knew I could not actually retire in the next six years unless I made a plan. This year, I decided to minimalize into a studio apartment and invest in real estate where I wanted to retire. I ended up moving into a 500 square feet studio that is three minutes to my work *literally outside my work building, the rent is affordable and simple. It made me downsize. The place I bought will be my retirement home, but for now, I will use this as a vacation place and rent it out when I am not there. So far, the place has brought me a lot of joy. If I lost my job tomorrow, I could easily move out of the studio and pay the mortgage at the new place. I also met with a financial advisor and made a savings plan and retirement plan. It does require me to live frugally and keeping it simple. Meaning: Live within my means. I know when I retire, i will be ready.
This year, my son (who has a drug addiction) almost lost my beautiful grand-daughter and daughter in law because the power of the drugs was so much stronger. With the help of his support network, he was able to get the help he needed. It was not a good experience and scared me. I did not want to lose my son to his addiction again, nor did I want to lose my grand-daughter and my daughter-in-law. It also made me realize the power of asking for help. My son lives 2000 miles away. I really needed others to make this possible. Meaning: you need to ask for help sometimes.
I thought my health and fitness was my biggest priority for 2019. I really focused on achieving my goals, such as finishing a half-ironman and getting super fit. In 2018, I had a broken leg and ankle. Although I accomplished this goal and finished before the cut off time, I realized how hard it really was and then signed up for a full Ironman2020, because I knew how hard it was and how I can accomplish anything if I put my mind to it. Meaning; if others are doing it, so can you. Don't listen to the voices in your head.
Speaking of health, my youngest son was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 this past year, and it was scary. He is just a young man. But it made me realize I need to take care of my health better. My grandma and grandpa both had type 2, it made me rethink what am I doing to my body> my goal for 2020 will make this a priority. Meaning: what you eat and do in life impacts your longevity.
Nearly 55 years of age, I decided to go back to school and finish my Ph.D. (really I thought this would get me tenure track, but alas no, unless I go somewhere else). Two years ago, I went back and finished all my courses. I picked a subject I am passionate about and it has opened new doors, such as going to drone school and being a drone flight operator. I got a research grant that made all this possible, as I try to find a solution to trail user conflict (motors and non-motorized vehicles on public access trails). Meaning: want to live your dreams, you pick your dream and follow through with it. The universe will respond.
The hardest thing of all, downsizing, minimalizing, and getting rid of stuff. I feel this is ongoing, how does one get so much stuff when they really don't have much? I have attachments to things. I was a teen runaway and did not have much a homelife when I was young. I lost all my belongings more than once, and really feel this has impacted me. Some days I am ok with a few items, whereas others I am reluctant to give up something. The tiny studio apartment helped and the new place was purchased furnished from an estate sale (the guy left all his stuff because he died, I purged most of the items but kept most of the furniture because he had great taste. Meaning: downsizing, minimalizing, and simplifying your life is forever.
The most beautiful thing of all in 2019, I fell madly in love with myself. With the end of my dead-end relationship and the ending of user friends, I was able to make room for me. I got into my hobbies and found many solo adventures. I travelled lots on my own and made time for me. In this space, I found true happiness and joy. Meaning, if you are not happy with you, nobody else will be.
